Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spring Really Is Coming!

The first Snowdrop
I was out enjoying a rare, sunny afternoon yesterday,     
raking up the last of the leaves and doing some other 
general clean-up when I spotted them!  Snowdrops 
(Galanthus), blooming in my front border!

That is always the first sign of spring, here in Oregon, and a welcome sight they are.  They inspired me to check out the rest of the yard more closely, and I found many more signs that this strange winter is finally coming to an end.

My huge Daphne bush (Daphne odorata var. 'varigata') is just loaded with buds, and the tips of the buds are turning red, which means they will open soon, and fill the air with the most amazing fragrance.  I have it near the front porch, and when it's in full bloom you can smell it in the living room if the front door is open!  It's about 15 years old, and although everything I read says they are very picky and hard to grow, I've never had any trouble with it.  I keep it trimmed in a rough pyramid shape, and every year during fall pruning I take out a couple of the lowest branches, both to encourage growth, and to provide good air circulation.
Daphne, ready to bloom

The more I looked, the more I found - the tips of the leaves of tulips and daffodils are peeking up all over the beds, the Iris are putting out tiny new leaves, the grape hyacinth foliage is up and awaiting the bloom stems.  

My Colorado Blue Spruce is getting beautiful new soft needles, and is now about 7 feet tall.  It began life with me as a 3 foot tall living Christmas Tree, in 1995.  It cost the earth back then, but I really wanted a tree in my backyard, and so rationalized the purchase.  I am so glad I did, it brings me great joy, and the birds like it too, as I decorate it for Christmas with popcorn, nuts, and dried cranberries.  And, about three years ago, it began producing the cutest little pine cones, so I think it must be a happy tree!

Today is much more common, cold and grey and damp, but now that I know the promise of spring is right there in my yard, I feel much more alive - growing and green.

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