Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Very Favorite Garden Magazine

It isn't full of information about plants and how to plant them.  It IS about the human side of gardening, and our relationship with nature.  It's about the funny side of gardening, and the terrible (and sometimes wonderful) mistakes we make.  It's about the sad side of gardening, and how one particular plant can make us cry over the loss of a loved one like it was yesterday.

It's family-owned and run, and after you read your first issue, you will feel like you know the family!  They also have a lovely website, and the MOST beautiful artwork both on the website and in the magazine.  It's a quarterly magazine, and I always wish it was twice as thick, it just does not last long enough! 

Every single issue contains at least one story that makes me laugh out loud (and force my husband to read it), and one that makes me cry.  In addition there are letters from readers, poetry, and some wonderful artwork.
And VERY few ads, limited to inside covers, and the last few back pages.

I have very kindly been granted permission to use material from the magazine in my blog, having spoken via email to the owner, Pat Stone, so from time to time, I will reproduce a story or poem here that particularly touches me.  I thank Pat for the privilege of sharing this wonderful magazine with you who may be reading this... 

Greenprints Magazine                  

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