Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Day! (sort of)

Snowball Bush (Viburnum)
We got our annual Late February Last Snow last night - I awoke to a light dusting - so beautiful before the traffic starts moving and the streets get ugly.  I sure wish it snowed here like it used to when I was a kid.

They keep saying Global Warming is a crock, but I know for sure it's warmer on average here in the Rogue Valley now, than it was 40 years ago.  We used to get at least a foot of snow

out in the country where I was raised, and at least 6-8 inches in town, where I live now.  And it ALWAYS snowed again one more time in late February, several inches.  The last 20 years or so, we barely get anything here in the valley, and the February snow is just a light skiff for a day or two. 

This year, we had no snow at all, until today.  And it's snowing right now as I write, big, fat flakes!  YAY!!!  Hope we get a foot, that will slow the traffic down!

Of course the population has grown by leaps and bounds, and all the buildings and traffic make it warmer - we are in a bowl-shaped valley, with a huge climate inversion, so everything generated here in the bowl is trapped.  Now it just makes sense to me, and this is my own opinion, that the same applies to the planet as a whole.

There is plenty of data out there on the topic, from glaciers melting, to population figures, to new deserts forming.  The overpopulation of this planet is the cause, I believe.  More land paved, more trees cut down, more heat-generating facilities and houses, more transportation, more pollution, and people living longer.

I know there's no quick fix, but I just want everyone to do what they can to help save this little biosphere we are in.

And it was very pretty, even with so little snow, so I took some pictures...more tomorrow maybe if it keeps up!
The Daphne bush, it WAS ready to bloom!
Snowdrops in snow.
Stack of tomato cages

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