Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'm still alive!

So, we have a new internet shop, La Casa di Lupini.  The garden and patio shop died a natural death, it was not profitable at all, in fact, we wasted a lot of money on it.  We opened the new shop last February, and have done well so far.  

We have a house and garage, and 2 storage units full of artwork, books, china, jewelry, orientalia, native american baskets and other lovely things - all left to us by our families.  Some pieces going back to the 1800's - so I've been doing lots of research!

My husband's mother passed 2 years ago, and my mother passed last year, so we've been very busy dealing with estates, lawyers, moving furniture, etc...had one huge house to empty, and one small apartment.  Goodwill made out like a bandit!  And all the keepers from my mom's house had to be moved about 300 miles to here.  Two trips with U-Haul trucks, and I still gave tons of furniture away to her friends there in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Here's some pictures of her beautiful house and garden:

That was in January!  Lucky coast dwellers!   The house sold quickly, thank goodness.  I would have loved to live there, but it's in a VERY restrictive Home Owner's Association.  As in a 3-page list of rules, including you cannot play music at ANY hour of the day, which can be heard by your neighbor.  And they have a nice little color chart showing the colors you can paint your house (pick your favorite shade of brown).  My Dad fought them tooth and nail to be able to build that lovely deck!  Needless to say, I could not live there!

That's about it for now, but I'll sure try to get on here more often...Happy Spring!

(old photo from Mama's garden in summer.)

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